Over the past few decades customer expectations have increased significantly. Poor customer experiences and service is no longer tolerated, brand loylaty has eroded and consumers have more choices then ever before.
Purchasing habits have been revolutionized by technology and customer interactions have become more complex.
Experience mapping is a strategic process of capturing and communicating these complex customer interactions to help build knowledge and consensus across your organization and ultimately help to build seamless customer experiences.
The customer experience map is a visual diagram of the experiences, interactions and touchpoints a customer has with the company.
These can be found out by analysing the touch points which could be related to any interaction, before, after and during the purchase or sales cycle including experiences with staff or physical premises, with digital media or the customer service team.
The customer experience map can therefore be initiated from the first time a customer hears about the company through an advertisement, through to exploring the website, making a purchase decision, through the sales process and then onto any post sales experience. The map can be therefore be drawn in the form of simple diagram by identifying and then connecting up the points of interactions.
However, it can also be some amazing piece of art and graphics. The main purpose is the extraction of the experiences of the customers and then planning a future strategy for resolution of the dissatisfaction of the customers and upgrades the company.
The customer experience map is a vaulable tool that every company should invest some time in completing to help see your operation from the perspective of your customer. Ultimately it help you deliver better experiences and therefore improved customer satisfaction, retention, and loyalty.
To find out more about how Mapovate can help your organisation deliver service excellence get in touch today.